Friday, November 5, 2010

Not leaving leaves behind

Chasing the Setting Sun

Charles' Sculptures

These are two of Charles Henri Ford's sculptures that intrigue me the most; especially the one set against the high window. It is placed against the light on purpose. The idea is to cast the shadow on the floor, as can be seen in the picture. Gives me the eerie feeling of Mayan sacrifices. It is made of bronze.

The other one, made of wood, as can be guessed easily is two lovers.

And the one below is just the close-up of the wooden lovers.

The Boot

I boot my computer because I had this boot in my mind for sometimes now. I was looking for a way to boot it out from my mind and put it in my blog.

When my car was Denver boot yesterday, I had to walk in the rain without my boots. I missed my boots really bad. But it helped me overcome my procrastination of giving my boots a place in my blog.

Again, I, without intending it, came across Charlie Chaplain eating his boot in Gold Rush. This, furthermore, made me bet my boots that it is high time I put my boots in my blog.